Ankle injuries are arguably the most common of sport injuries, accounting for roughly 14% of all sport-related injuries. The most common being an ‘inversion injury’, which we all know as rolling your ankle. Many cases of ankle sprains resolve with rest and ice principles, however there remains a substantial amount of patients and sports players that complain of pain, recurrent instability, swelling and impaired function 3-6 weeks after injury, or even longer. While fractures occurring in the more severe cases, ligamentous, tendon, or neurological dysfunction can persist and make your typical ankle sprain an ongoing injury.
The ankle is a tri-joint complex, consisting of talocrural joint, inferior tibiofibular and the subtalar joint. Each joint plays a different role in the function of the ankle, working interdependently with each other to provide strength, stability and balance when we walk, run or play sport. The ligaments of the ankle are the primary protectors of the ankle. Ligaments are designed to be strong, but commonly stay elongated/stretched after an ankle rolling injury and thus leave the ankle not only less stable, but increase the chance of a subsequent
Where things can sometimes go wrong
Our bodies are rather incredible the way our tissues heal by themselves. Sometimes your sprained ankle may fail to heal by itself and thus become problematic for months and longer. Scarring from initial injury, loss of mobility through any one of the joints, loss of balance and stability can all hinder the ankles ability to return to normal. The problem ankle can be the result of an inadequately healed ankle and leave you with stiffness, weakness of your perineal muscles and impaired balance. Persistent swelling inside the joint can remain, leaving a joint synovitis, which means inflammation inside the joint.
What Get Active can do for you
- Assess to find what structures/parts of the ankle have been injured
- Clinically screen for fractures and refer on to later confirm with an X-Ray to specific management
- Provide massage and muscle release to reduce pain around the ankle
- Mobilise at individual joints to reduce stiffness
- Give tailored, evidence-based rehabilitation protocols to restore high level ankle function
- Provide ankle braces, supports, compression socks if necessary
- Gait Scan to assess dynamic foot control and measure whether or not orthotics will aid in reducing abnormal loading forces with walking or running
Unbeknownst to most historians, Einstein started down the road of professional basketball before an ankle injury diverted him to science – Gary Larson
If you have any questions or would like to book in to see one of our physiotherapists, please do not hesitate to contact Get Active on 1300 8 9 10 11 or email us at